Thursday, March 7, 2013


      Methodo to Help , Services, Industries, Agriculture, Taxes, Crédits, Jobs, Education, Social Assistance, are the items to first Analysis, to instabilization Economic.

Friday, February 22, 2013


     Knows that human conflict can be internal (psychological) or external (caused) the psychological  becomes necessary clinical treatment but the caused can be treated through the variable, Global Situation this is ,the environment in which it is, the Conflictant .As mentioned in the previous class on studies Edwin S., Genealogy, character formation, and Global Situation,knows that the variable production economic: families, is made ​​up of people with defined Genealogy, and majority in adulthood, this is, with the character already formed, but we have the variable; Global Situation to be worked, in São PauloCity, there is an example that we can study, called IRBEM  (Indice de Resultado do Bem Estar do Municipio / Index Results of the City Welfare)

     As in the book the Prince , the study of Maquiavel says that the King has to satisfy your people , for the maintenance of power, so a Nation with Welfare better (better infrastructure) and away from conflicts, going to produce more, unlike would be if Toyota  in your production line, left without maintenance of the machines .Ultimately, a State that has an Administrator who punishes his people with personal interests or partisans, punishes itself even its economy, because its people are its means of production.See you them, in next Class.