Wednesday, November 28, 2012


     The National Income, can to be defined how: the count of all products and services, that all business produce in determinate times. (N.I)National Income,(BSF)Belongings and Services Final(BSI)Belongings and Services Intermediate.

    Supposing that B.S.I. is belongings that suffer  some process of transformation, but they are utilized to production of others belongings. Can divide in National Income Nominal(calculated without the effects of the prices)and National Income Real(calculated with the effects of the prices, in the value final).The variable to explore this calculation can be the consumption, because the produced going to have effect real when consumed by; families, public sector, and the exportation.That derive The Gross National Product and The Gross National Liquid.

     Some Cheaters of National Economic can to be; the Inflation of Prices, Governments Reserves, and Values Furnitures.

Thursday, October 4, 2012


     One way to change the processes, is through a referendum,or be, an election to let the people choose, but each process to be very explicit.


     It's very important people understand the difference between Republic, Monarchy, Democracy, it will be the sitesma that will weigh on their lives.May understand Democracy how the Power of everybody,Republic:the Power inthe public faith,or be,the Power delegated to Government,and Monarchy: the Power imposed,depending on the coupled system of government, may become a big problem for Local Society.Because Parliamentarism+Monarchy, absence total of the people,Parliamentarism+Republic;should to have big confidence of the people,and Presidentialism+Democracy,big presence of the people,to other formulas,stay account of the Analysis of each people.See them, in next class.

Friday, August 31, 2012


     Mixed Economy - drifted this term's set of political-economicS,systems where the means of production are blended according to the changing economic of the Country .
     Believing that only in totalitarian governments of these systems, tend to fail because an economic imbalance, which
can be derived from the great demand or supply,of trade, of birth,of war, or other external factors, is devoid of the merging of three attitudes systems (Capitalism, Socialism, and Communism).When poverty increases, _Socialism the system that will be through Social Programs , empower families, to return to being a means of production(J.J.Rousseau)
 _Capitalism works when firms need government support to produce more, sell more and create more jobs(Karl Marx)
_The attitude communist will be used at the time that the Government needs to stand strong pulse for the good of the nation, this attitude is not always accepted by the nation,sometimes by a communication error of the intentions Government(Lun Xun).



     In conflict resolution in microeconomics, we use a tool called: Crisis Management,which deals with the conflict as a crisis,mitigating in cogitation,hatching,and post crisis,with accompaniment of Crisis Committee(communicator,and members with authority and knowledge needed).



    The formula of Edwin S., in the theory of delinquency, was the beginning of a recovery of the City of Chicago, where around 1864 , was a sum of the Old Bronx (NY) with former Bogota.Next class about Mixed Economic.
     The max that tell"There isn't way to peace, peace is the way",if we deepen the philosophical study,we can say that the dialogue is a great tool for Peace.But let that biblical passage: .



     The International Conflicts,  before we going to give passed in the theory of delinquency at the point of view of what is censored by society. The attitude of the offender, an anomic society's rules, according to Quantification of Edwin Sutherland, delinquency, this connection between Global State, Genealogy, and Character Formation.
_Genealogy is not possible to change after the birth, _Character Formation is possible in the build phase of growth among children and youth, depending on the culture of each country,
_Global Situation, the environment or social, economic and cultural, is possible undergoes transformations, which had weighed conflicting  right attitude human .
     The International Conflict can be caused by various reasons such as: Cultural Difference, System of Government,
Diplomacy failed, but the cause more economic losses and human,are the causes of religious and economic problems censured Government Systems for Local Society . As Maquiavel, Nicolau treats the subject of Government System in his book "The Prince".
    The Government should be to the people, and there is a need for an attitude of dislike of the Government to keep the maintenance of Power . The possibility of bringing, the equalization of societies, can brings with the construction of a world map, directing the conflicting causes of each society in quantifying levels, so you can be treated a linear regression on Global Situation.Recalling that already deal with the issues on Systems of Government,Public Budget,Trade Balance,Demographics Density,Transfer Income,International Agreements.See you, have good work.



     The Agreements and International Treaties,we can understand agreements and treaties, as a means to officialize, Duties and Obrigations , where the parties seek a goal.These can be Chancellored in: Courts,UN,NATO,and other Organizations in bias of the end objectified .Also to get strength in positivization. Agreements and Treaties can to assume the role of measures to: _Supporting social and economic,
_ Orientation of commercialization,
_Reducing bureaucracy, and other co-relateds.
This document must contain at least the parties, of the duties and obrigations of the parties, the measures for noncompliance, the signatures of representatives of the Agreemented , and the Organization and elect to mitigate the causes.
     Observations: The document must comply to regulations of those countries involved, or it may lose, effectiveness, efficiency and positivity,internal . in the countries objectified .



     The System Tax Control: We may understand  System Tax Control, how the monitoring of the Public Administration. Some points importants to observation are: The Crossing Data,The Excessive Spending, and the Process Operator. The Crossing Data should be clear,objective and integrated, from the Target Plan to Budget Execution; the excessive spending in an effort, should be observed with logical character,between : The Goal, The Commitment, Heading,and Execution; The Process Operators, should be identified in each case,and to have specific technical capability
 for surveillance operations .
     Observations:The conclusion of Report of Tax , shall contain a part:
 _Descriptive(what's being taxed?)
 (How was taxed?)
_Essay(What Resulted?)



     We can understand how Demography Density, population divided by territorial area, a of the major points to emphasize an economic vision is the  point of equilibrium; where the demand of structure, is low that the supply of the population,in view: the birth control(BC), and supply the
quality  of life(QL), related to job supply(JS); see that investments articulated, can change the population density(QL+JS+BC=DD).
     One factor to note in some less populated regions; receive a good infrastructure,but the attraction to the place of employment, isn't related to the raw material produced, and place job, leading to population migrating to metropolises, causing a growth problem .



     The International Reserves, we believe that work with the variable, image, or  status in the International Market, as the country with a good reserve international, lowers your risk level, and
attracts investors,  can be a safe haven in times of crisis. is important to note that a high reserve, leaving the country without infrastructure, can be tricky, because over the long term,  may be unable to hold the reservation.
     The ideal is  balance infrastructure and reserves, because a sustainable infrastructure; generates more reserve.



     The Government Program, we can understand how goals and administratives process, for execution of a goal of the Management. Can be divided into:
_Plan Goals(Objectives),
_Budgets,From where I started ? /And where to go?
_The Public Resources,Administrative Plan/How and when ? 
     The definition can be proposed by a Ministry, or similar group Administrative of law, to the Parliament or the President. The Development can work with items/numbers ,and Commitments/targets,all as if it were a text of a law,as article,section,and so on.



     The Opening Credits, we can divide into 2 parts,internal and external.  External, when a country subsidizes other, and internal, when it increases the power to buy on the country. External, is directly related the loan, and interest rates, alredy Internal,the ratio of consumption, demand and supply,taking as variables:  employment, wages, and  direct or indirect investment in the relations of marked .
      In External must do a thorough credit analysis, based on estimated budget, and historical capitation of the resources, of the country. In Internal; the supply and demand, it can obtain the point of equilibrium, through tax incentives or facilitation of legal trade relations.



     In view of the opening of foreign trade, many countries have changed their  Commercial Balance, giving a technological hole in your economy. The biggest controller  of the Commercial Balance, is the tax, being thus an alteration in the taxes of interests, and export of high productivity at low cost , a factor that can cause irreparable damages in the relations of commerce, or is a Crisis.
     A small example, company Gurgel, with fabrication of cars, while trying to enter the market with cheap car, broke the production of cars,with your value below of the cost, of the cars produced in Brazil,  in the  opposite direction causing the decrease in vacancies, in the market of jobs
     One of the options, open the import of technology, and products of the primary sector, and the country can add value. Raise or lower, rates for importation is an option, but it should be noted you need technology, to growth, or economic equalization with the World.



    Subject:Transfer of Income ;we can rank the producers as:Government,Company,Families;one feeding the other,bringing the relation of market. The power may work directly or indirectly,  through the Government with rates exemptions, companies can feed families indirectly. The Government Problem sometimes is passed families, not enabling companies that will be empowering families indirectly better salaries and jobs creation. The distribution of rates must be just, without benefiting any sector, because will not produce the effects,and going to be parallel to the eagerness of society.
     Across companies and families, oftentimes does not understand the infrastructure necessary for the Government to do all the administrative process. A solution is the exposure of public spending on websites for consultation, provided that the procurement of services reached the lowest price .The national television can also be exploited to simplified explanations of the attitudes of government. But care,any error of communication,can generate revolution .
     Reviewing cash transfers, where we speak of indirect government through exemption for enterprises, income generation in families. In Direct Transfer, we set up social programs to direct transfer to families, through state organizations, or not Governmental.
     The two types of transfers have a goal, when is missing items of first needs,to  families , they tend to say the direct transfer, it will be like a temporary solution, but the indirect transfers how generator of infrastructure, brings a long-term stability.
     Some examples of direct transfer is the GreenCard-U.S.A and the BagFamily-BR.And  indirect transfer, is court of tax in U.S.A to companies.



     Today, reflecting on the world economy, led us to see countries with deadlock, political and religious, lead others to the crisis.
     The self has been a bad tool, followed by greed, we know  that when are socialists, we must take measures to capitalist growth, and comunist,  or unlike.



Making the balance of the Economy of the year 2011,found no security, but let do union of forces to stabilize it .
