Friday, August 31, 2012


     In view of the opening of foreign trade, many countries have changed their  Commercial Balance, giving a technological hole in your economy. The biggest controller  of the Commercial Balance, is the tax, being thus an alteration in the taxes of interests, and export of high productivity at low cost , a factor that can cause irreparable damages in the relations of commerce, or is a Crisis.
     A small example, company Gurgel, with fabrication of cars, while trying to enter the market with cheap car, broke the production of cars,with your value below of the cost, of the cars produced in Brazil,  in the  opposite direction causing the decrease in vacancies, in the market of jobs
     One of the options, open the import of technology, and products of the primary sector, and the country can add value. Raise or lower, rates for importation is an option, but it should be noted you need technology, to growth, or economic equalization with the World.
