Friday, August 31, 2012


     The International Conflicts,  before we going to give passed in the theory of delinquency at the point of view of what is censored by society. The attitude of the offender, an anomic society's rules, according to Quantification of Edwin Sutherland, delinquency, this connection between Global State, Genealogy, and Character Formation.
_Genealogy is not possible to change after the birth, _Character Formation is possible in the build phase of growth among children and youth, depending on the culture of each country,
_Global Situation, the environment or social, economic and cultural, is possible undergoes transformations, which had weighed conflicting  right attitude human .
     The International Conflict can be caused by various reasons such as: Cultural Difference, System of Government,
Diplomacy failed, but the cause more economic losses and human,are the causes of religious and economic problems censured Government Systems for Local Society . As Maquiavel, Nicolau treats the subject of Government System in his book "The Prince".
    The Government should be to the people, and there is a need for an attitude of dislike of the Government to keep the maintenance of Power . The possibility of bringing, the equalization of societies, can brings with the construction of a world map, directing the conflicting causes of each society in quantifying levels, so you can be treated a linear regression on Global Situation.Recalling that already deal with the issues on Systems of Government,Public Budget,Trade Balance,Demographics Density,Transfer Income,International Agreements.See you, have good work.
