Friday, August 31, 2012


     Mixed Economy - drifted this term's set of political-economicS,systems where the means of production are blended according to the changing economic of the Country .
     Believing that only in totalitarian governments of these systems, tend to fail because an economic imbalance, which
can be derived from the great demand or supply,of trade, of birth,of war, or other external factors, is devoid of the merging of three attitudes systems (Capitalism, Socialism, and Communism).When poverty increases, _Socialism the system that will be through Social Programs , empower families, to return to being a means of production(J.J.Rousseau)
 _Capitalism works when firms need government support to produce more, sell more and create more jobs(Karl Marx)
_The attitude communist will be used at the time that the Government needs to stand strong pulse for the good of the nation, this attitude is not always accepted by the nation,sometimes by a communication error of the intentions Government(Lun Xun).
