Monday, March 9, 2015


The Government do control of the sale, of the Growth of the families, and of the production, by taxes control.

Questions of alterations to Values:


Believing that a public Management begin with a font of datas perfect, we need to observe that the collection of samples of the informations should to be correct,where the Metrics of datas not give cause to deviation of the function,separating in choice of the Index (example : The paste that belong o problem/ Education, Security, Social Assistance, Exterior Commerce, among others),Problems,Possibles Causes, Datas, Possibles Solutions, Programs of Government, Action Plans, Budgets Executions, identified by rubrics, commitments,values to phases, time of life, total value,and etc.Some Index and Metrics relations,used in some Countries are:Index of Price, Open Credits Control of Sales Families, Assets Acquired, Growth Economics, Numbers of Post of jobs, Growth Enterprise, Tax on Importation Sector,Pooring,Fail of Food, Fall of Housing, Transposition of the Agropecuary, Court of Tax Mobiliary, Financing of Housing, Generation of Jobs,Open of Mobilary Credit, and etc. There are very methods of search of information, but the important is exactly the datas investigates;(A example basic, the book of Voltaire " O Men of Forty Shells " in The Geometry Part ) already the classification may to be by numbers ( quantitative research), letters (qualitative) or (mérit); index qualitative excellence, very, Good, so so, bad, terrible.See next class.


Peace and War Class; We may tell that Peace, is a human sensation,there's a phrase that tell:"There isn't a way to peace, the peace is way".but we may tell that, the dialog and the integration are goods tools to peace, already the War we understand that can come by door of conflicts culturals ,where the tentatives of adjustment, of the customs globals are exhaust, being religious, capitalists,or of disciplines considered by bigger part of the planet and Mundials Organizations censored , but the imposition, have being a factor of big low humans and economics, and  a of the options is the integration to long times,through of the Rosseau Theory, MarxTheory or Kelsen Theory.but cannot let to observe that;UN openig Chairs to Countries too is a good tool of integration and dialog.See you them,next Class Integration to Countries.


Expense Operating Class , knowing that the Economics Relations, have the variation between offer and demand, seeking the Equilibrium Point,the Raw-Material, the Workers, and Equipments, are the factors of production of the state-Owned System. Salaries,Positions, and Technologies,are variables that should to walk together, always monitored, the her relation cost x necessity. Some Countries, do court in positions in in the Executive Governmental,others in  Operational Team,how the Revolution the Industrialization in England in the Passed, or of Toyota, if  do necessary the automation the process,to pull through in the Capitalism. In the book The Prince - Machiavelli,report:  "the Government Government with cost elevated,sacrifices his People", generating so unproductivity,because to pass the Equilibrium Point.See you next Class.


Before lecture  about this class , Should I cite some variables, how-in factual sense: Territorial Area, people, government and recognition.Already in principles: Sovereignty, National Independence, Self-Determination of the peoples. Others factors to observe : partners,objectives, cost, necessities.The bigger objective, is reason commercial, where on form treated and accord with registry in WTO, search free, and reason economics of competition , of other side necessities primary, and  technologics.May cite some Integrations that there are how Mercosul, European Union,Benelux, Nafta, and Solutions how: Area of Free Commerce, FMI, WTO, ALCA, ALSCA, ECSC, bringing to areas of conflits,a system of cooperation and division of wealths. Some typologies of process that can cite, Zone of Free Comercio, Customs Union, Commercial Union, Market Common,Monetary and Economic Union, Military Union, Political Union.To Adam Smith , the free commerce,  and the  specialization resultant,would make that the consumers and producers ,could take advantages absolutes of all.There're very metrics and methods how:Differential Comparatives Theory, Theory of Values, Predominance of impacts, and other common.See  you next Class...