Thursday, July 2, 2015


Thinking in Debts, may if  to have a idea payments automatics, but there's many forms of discharge of debts, I do to citation of the form more in used, having in view the necessaries of rapidity for infrastructure.
Many Countries search investments by financings, that sometime turn in ball snow, a error common is an estimate of budget crossed with débts, or be, if do investment in paving of roads, all raising of tax generation of investment should to be to discharge the debt, a system well common is the debts amortization, where the financing to every parcel, if pay the rates, and debt part.when not possible the Country make the estimate, the Investor give support into of the Government,  through specialist internal.

There are others Methods of Negotiation Amortization Reversed (in Deficit ), Depreciation (Without Conditions), and Amortization (in Surplus).Deficit = Country with Economics Results Index in lack(below), Superavit = Country with Econimics Results Index in up (above), Depreciation= Pardon in debits parts, or negotiation of sales and change of products in the importations... 
